The following posts have been retrieved for admin
Why Congress Is Not Working, Part 2

Why Congress Is Not Working, Part 2

This elegant graph documents party swings and shifts from 1788 to 2012. The darker the color, the further from the center. To add an extra frisson, this was created by Randall Munroe, the mastermind behind xkcd. Edward Tufte would approve.

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Today’s Relevant Quotes

Today’s Relevant Quotes

Today's relevant quotes are from Sun Tzu (c. 5th Century BCE): Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all that I can? Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

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Reviving Extinct Species

Reviving Extinct Species

The passenger pigeon was once the most numerous large bird in North America. Flocks a mile wide, and hundreds of miles long, filled the sky and blocked the sun as they passed overhead. Then Europeans happened. By 1907, teeming billions had been reduced to three birds...

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Archive: The 2008 Campaign, Part I: Colorado Swings

Archive: The 2008 Campaign, Part I: Colorado Swings

In 2008, I went to Denver to work for the Obama campaign. Below is the first of two reports that I sent to California, describing the experience. Fellow citizens, This communique comes at you from America, which I reached via aeroplane from San Francisco last...

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